ArchiBLOG - Architecture, 3d design, models and renderings
The world's tallest slum, Venezuela (Video)
Welcome to the world's tallest slum: poverty-ridden Venezuela's Tower of David.
Squatters took over this very unfinished 45-story... >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 25/08/2013 13:14 Comment this (0)
Leitao 653 residential building, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Leitao 653 is a building located in the heart of Pinheiros, a popular neighborhood which combines small traditional buildings and new residential towers. Inserted between two lofty towers, a long and narrow plot, the building is 4 meters wide and 25 meters high. >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 25/08/2013 13:12 Comment this (0)