ArchiBLOG - Architecture, 3d design, models and renderings
Moscowsky 65, Saint Petersburg, Russia (3D animation)
Moscowsky 65 is a new business-class residential project by Legenda Intelligent Development in Saint Petersburg, Russia. MIII produced marketing imagery including aerial photo composites, street level views, selected interiors and promotional CG video for a start of sales campaign. >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 10/03/2023 03:40 Comment this (0)
Kain Kapas, Tangerang, Indonesia
This building is a curatorial toolbox that supports the juxtaposition of activities and productions in terms of time, geography, scale, and media. A unique spatial matrix not limited by disciplinary categories, with a range of sizes that offers unlimited flexibility for all media. A super lobby connects the gallery as an extension of the city and its gardens, inviting creative breaks. >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 10/03/2023 03:40 Comment this (0)