ArchiBLOG - Architecture, 3d design, models and renderings
Pingdi Community Culture and Sports Center, Shenzhen, China (3D animation)
Pingdi Community Culture and Sports Center, located close to the International Low Carbon City, is a comprehensive culture and sports center in the district and an important supporting cultural project of International Low Carbon City. The project will be mainly operated for public benefits as free facilities. After completion, it will provide necessary places for activities such as cultural events, reading, artistic performances,... >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 27/06/2023 05:49 Comment this (0)
Lessin Tower by MYS Architects, Tel Aviv, Israel
Lessin Tower development is situated in the central heart of Tel Aviv within walking distance to the Mediterranean beaches & sea. Located in a predominantly residential neighborhood, the tower development also encompasses within its vicinity the light restoration of Beit Lessin, a 3 story mid-century structure, exemplifying the cultural ideals and architectural aesthetics of the time. Influenced by global & local themes alike, those include the simplicity of volumes, the brut honesty of concrete and stucco, and the rhythmic manipulation of form ingrained with brise soleil sensibilities... >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 27/06/2023 05:48 Comment this (0)