ArchiBLOG - Architecture, 3d design, models and renderings
7 kamala street melonba, Sydney, Australia (3D animation)
Architectural animation: 7 kamala street melonba
Location: Sydney, Australia
Client: A.Kharroubi >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 25/09/2023 05:04 Comment this (0)
Sanxingdui Archaeological Museum, Deyang, China
The discovery of the Sanxingdui site provides unique physical evidence of the vanished ancient Shu kingdom, which dates back 4800 years. The new Sanxingdui Museum is located in the Archaeological Park and has a floor area of 35,000 m2 , which will house the current and future excavations. >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 25/09/2023 05:04 Comment this (0)