ArchiBLOG - Architecture, 3d design, models and renderings
Xiamen International Bank Headquarters, Xiamen, China
The high-rise building accommodating the headquarters of Xiamen International Bank is located in the financial center of the city's main island, in direct proximity to the sea. With its rounded footprint, it breaks the pattern of the row of primarily rectangular buildings along the bank, forming a conspicuous highlight at the end of the skyline of high-rises of different heights. >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 10/12/2022 05:42 Comment this (0)
The Residence, Karachi, Pakistan (3D animation)
This luxurious residential project was brought to fruition through the high quality of work delivered by Pixarch's talented team. The details of the project were captured through 3D architectural visualization. 3D architectural visualization allows the user to see each and every aspect of the project. From elegant interiors to beautiful exteriors and the whole environment, 3D architectural visualization captures it all. >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 09/12/2022 05:04 Comment this (0)