In the district of Chengdu, next to the Tamsui River, a new large-scale residential tower is developed with 23 levels of apartments, social clubs and commercial areas. The project has different types of apartments protected by a continuous curtain wall. >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 08/10/2016 08:33 Comment this (0)
Central Bank of Iraq by Zaha Hadid Architects, Baghdad
Rising from the sloping banks of the Tigris River in Baghdad, the design for the new headquarters of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) conveys the core values at the heart of the institution: solidity, stability and sustainability. The CBI's design presents a manifestation of these contemporary values, rich traditions and historic relationships. At a height of 170 metres and a gross internal area of 90,000 square metres, the composition of the design is tailored to the very specific constraints of the site. Narrow at its base, the tower widens in the middle to optimise the layout and increase... >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 08/10/2016 08:33 Comment this (0)