ArchiBLOG - Architecture, 3d design, models and renderings
Kunming airport site redevelopment, China (3D animation)
Kunming airport, masterplan and urban design for 498 ha. urban centre. >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 02/09/2018 15:42 Comment this (0)
Nuremberg Concert Hall, Nuremberg, Germany
The design for the new Nuremberg Concert Hall extends the historically rich heritage of the adjacent Meistersingerhalle and enriches the cultural city of Nuremberg with a unique musical experience in which music and space become one. The concert hall – perceived from the outside as a freestanding object – is covered with wooden strips from inside and outside. The hall's monolithic appearance is broken into balconies, information desks and break-out zones on a human scale. The 1600 seats are distributed over a terraced landscape of wooden balconies, creates a unique musical experience. >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 02/09/2018 15:42 Comment this (0)