ArchiBLOG - Architecture, 3d design, models and renderings
Haute Saintonge Congress Centre, Haute Saintonge, France (3D animation)
Combining business, cultural and leisure activities on a single site, the Haute Saintonge Congress Centre complements the range of existing facilities and represents a unique catalyst for dynamic development, both for the municipality and for all of Haute Saintonge. Taking into account the sensitive features of the Val de Seugne landscape, we chose to design a building in the form of a monolith half-embedded in the valley landscape.... >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 22/11/2019 05:18 Comment this (0)
Sberbank Business Complex and cultural center, Moscow, Russia
Nikken Sekkei has been selected as the winner of the international design competition for the Sberbank Business Complex and cultural center in Moscow. The competition was hosted by Russia largest bank, Sberbank. The project is planned to become a new TOD model of Moscow, connected to multiple railway stations, including the metro adjacent to the site. The proposal was based on the concept of two evolving cities that complement and speak to one another through Moscow City and Sberbank City. >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 22/11/2019 05:17 Comment this (0)