ArchiBLOG - Architecture, 3d design, models and renderings
Madrid IDOM Headquarters, Madrid, Spain
The architects were not dealing with a project influenced by the pressure of the real estate boom or the need for an iconic brand image. The most pleasant and unique circumstances were set before them: the client was also the developer, the architect, the contractor and the user. The initial aspiration of the assignment was simple: to erect a building that would house the activity of IDOM, while at the same time representing it and becoming as it were a visiting card for clients. The firms culture and way of working should be clear from the building itself. This was an opportunity to turn a... >>>
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 31/08/2011 07:44 Comment this (0)
Sendai Media Center, Sendai, Japan (Video clip)
Sendai Mediatheque is a library in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. It was designed by Toyo Ito in 1995 and completed in 2001.